Windows 11 - Disable/Enable 'Show More Options' Sub-Menus

Windows 11 introduced smaller contextual right-mouse-button menus. If you don't like them and want to see all menu options at once, as in Windows 10, then run this in an elevated cmd.exe window:
reg add HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32 /ve /d "" /f
If you want to revert this back to the original Windows 11 smaller menus, then run this is an elevated cmd.exe window:
reg delete HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2} /f

N.B. Both of these will require an Explorer.exe RESTART afterwards (from Task Manager), for them to take effect.